-A heart in trouble has flat-lined…it can’t feel deep emotion any more. Healthy hearts can feel the spectrum of emotion such as love, sadness,joy, excitement, anger and empathy. Hearts in trouble can’t celebrate even when life is wonderful.
- A heart in trouble no longer engages in the moment or celebrates the
good things of life. Healthy hearts have the ability to seize the day and
be with people in the moment. In 1989 I didn’t want to be with people
and, strange as it sounds, I sure wasn’t able to celebrate the miracle I
was in the middle of leading. - A heart in trouble no longer has room for fun, laughter or spontaneity.
Healthy hearts don’t take life so seriously that they miss the fun of life.
In 1989 everything was work to me, I couldn’t even spell the word fun. - A heart in trouble has lost compassion for those hurting. Healthy hearts
don’t look at people in need as intrusions but are able to extend love
and concern. In ’89 I could care less for kids, they were a burden. - A heart in trouble has lost the capacity to hear God’s voice and
- respond. Healthy hearts are soft, attentive and open to the gentle
- prompting of God.
When we mismanage our lives our hearts dry up and turn cold to both people and God.
How do we bring leadership to our hearts?
Second, own your life. Don’t expect anyone to rescue you. When I was a mess I wanted someone to notice and take me by the hand and help me.Forget it, life isn’t like that. No one is going to ‘save’ you. You must take responsibility for your life. Don’t blame others for your situation. Stop playing the victim role.
Forth, deal with your ‘stuff.’ During my time off I also decided to go to a Christian counselor and discuss my family of origin. I knew I had ‘stuff’ from my past that was contaminating my present. I had to courageously
go after my inner health. That experience was difficult but boy was it worth it. Do you need to talk with anyone to help you sort out where you are and create a plan for your future? Who?
Fifth, rediscover play. I also attempted to rediscover play. Doing people work can steal your life. It often seems that the needs of people never end.If we don’t get enough legitimate fun fixes we will be
tempted to pursue illegitimate fun fixes that can lead to further trouble.
Leadership of the HEART
Here are a few tips for leading your heart:
First, be honest. If you read the list above and those five points describe your heart today…admit it. Admit it to yourself and your spouse or close friend. God told us that truth has the power to set us free. What is the
truth when it comes to your heart? How is your heart?
Here are a few tips for leading your heart:
First, be honest. If you read the list above and those five points describe your heart today…admit it. Admit it to yourself and your spouse or close friend. God told us that truth has the power to set us free. What is the
truth when it comes to your heart? How is your heart?
Second, own your life. Don’t expect anyone to rescue you. When I was a mess I wanted someone to notice and take me by the hand and help me.Forget it, life isn’t like that. No one is going to ‘save’ you. You must take responsibility for your life. Don’t blame others for your situation. Stop playing the victim role.
Third, create a plan. The plan I created to get myself back together had many aspects to it. I asked for some time off. Fortunately, I had a three month sabbatical coming. Maybe you need to take a few vacation days to sort out where you are and what you can do to get back on track. A day to really think about your life and any changes you might need to make iswell worth it. Do you have a plan and when will you create one?
Forth, deal with your ‘stuff.’ During my time off I also decided to go to a Christian counselor and discuss my family of origin. I knew I had ‘stuff’ from my past that was contaminating my present. I had to courageously
go after my inner health. That experience was difficult but boy was it worth it. Do you need to talk with anyone to help you sort out where you are and create a plan for your future? Who?
Fifth, rediscover play. I also attempted to rediscover play. Doing people work can steal your life. It often seems that the needs of people never end.If we don’t get enough legitimate fun fixes we will be
tempted to pursue illegitimate fun fixes that can lead to further trouble.
Sixth, reestablish quiet times with God. Modern culture can dismember our inner worlds if we allow it to.