Wednesday, 25 June 2014

epic one group discusion topic>>>Up the Down Staircase

Up the Down Staircase

 answer 1.

Yes, agree with Surey. "Failure is the steeping stone for success". If we don't fail, how we would find our mistakes, where we are lagging. Take an example of Edison. He experimented and failed 12000 times to invent bulb as a result now we live in illuminated world even in night. What about Mahatma Gandhi?He fought for us, failed but bring freedom for us at last.

answer 2.

Hello, this topic can be viewed in a positive way by the saying "failure is the stepping stones for sucess". Only if we fail in a thing we'll think a lot to get succeed in that. Life consits of many ups and downs. Making our downs into up's lead to sucess. So up the down staircase of your life.

answer 3.

We all know that it is easier to climb down than to climb up.Yet to achieve growth or success in life we need to climb up or trek the tougher path than the easier one of stepping down. So life might throw us a down-staircase but we try to go up.

answer 4.

Success is not something you earn or achieve ... but it's a journey in life. Once you reach it you have to continue to work to to keep it. So why do we alwasy stand still and wait for someone or something to give us success?

the beat creative group discussion topic!!!>>>Food Comes First, Ethics Later

Food Comes First, Ethics Later

answer 1.

Nothing is good or bad on this earth. But the thinking makes so. Food, water and shelter are the bare minimum requirements for any human beings on this earth. Ethics are only for good people and that is something Kinda an inborn quality and about the bad guys it is simple non existent. But to live in this highly civilized world.

We do require ethics. I suppose, you all will agree the point that ethics can only be followed when one is alive. And the later is only possible if one is able to satisfy his basic necessity of food and water. So, practically. The statement 'Food Comes First, Ethics Later' holds true. But, as I earlier told it is debatable considering the type of person

answer 2.

Food and ethics are inter-related things. If a person is not getting enough food ethics are not going to help him out. But every time for getting food we should not forget the ethical values. There should be limit. Earn for your basic needs and not for comforts.

answer 3.

According to me, both food and ethics are important but the priority changes according to the section of people we consider.
If a beggar has ethics and no money, its of no use.
If a rich person has a lot of money and no ethics, he is not worthy to live.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

group discusion topic!!!!~~~>Do Beauty and Brains Go Together?

Do Beauty and Brains Go Together?

answer 1.

I completely agree with Tanishka, Beauty and Brain are not interdependent, if one wants to look Beautiful they will definitely spend more and look beautiful but what about the inner beauty, According to me The Person is beautiful by his thoughts, his actions and his attitude towards other. Brain tells us what person is exactly up to, If the Person is beautiful from outer appearance but has no brains to work with then He/She cannot survive for Longer period of time in society.

Blessed are the Ones who are Beautiful and have Brains.

To Conclude I would say Always Try to Develop Inner Beauty since its with You till End unlike Outer beauty,

Hence In rare cases Beauty and Brain Go Together.

With Your Knowledge lit others home light which is Beauty & Brain.

answer 2.

Hi friends. Beauty with brain is nearly perfect combination of a person, but brain has priority than beauty, both can go together, we all know there are two types of beauty inner or outer, outer beauty is fickle and it will be vanish after some time but inner beauty is the only quality of any person which tells about his virtues and brain.

Our brain plays an important role to create our inner beauty. Our mind read good thoughts, from good thoughts we do good action, good action creates good habit, habit creates character and good character creates good destiny, which leads to us towards our inner beauty. It is permanent. So we should work on our inner beauty through good thoughts.

answer 3.

I think that there is no such relation of beauty with brain. Beauty is profligate and temporary. Beauty is just to capture the eyes but the intellectual brains capture the brain and rule the heart of many people. According to the science all have same brain and same number of neurons, it matters how to simulate those millions neurons. There are many intellectuals like APJ Kalam, Einsteins who are known for their work no matter how they look or what they wear.

answer 4.

I don't think that there is any relation between beauty and brains. I think beauty can attract a person only for sometime. But at last its the inner beauty of soul, which matters. A person having good looks but no brains, seems to be impossible to succeed. But a person having a outstanding brain can obviously succeed in a great way overtaking the so called 'BEAUTY'. APJ Abdul kalam and Mother Teresa would be the best example. Inspite of being not so beautiful, these people are the most adorable people all over the world and a idol of millions!Beauty of looks can attract few of eyes, but Beauty of mind can attract millions of hearts!

answer 5.

According to my opinion God had gifted human beings with two things beauty or mind. But it is generally seen that minded people are not so beautiful and beautiful persons are not that much minded. In all the world minded people are recognized everywhere but it is not necessary that everyone will respect beautiful persons. All the leading personalities of this world for ex. Abraham Lincoln, Hitler, Margret tchackture, Indira nooyi, A. P. J Abdul kalam etc were not so beautiful but their talent and intellect had been recognized by whole world. That's all thank you.

grooup discusion topic ~~~~>Ethics in Business are just a passing fashion

Ethics in Business are just a passing fashion

answer 1.

In my point of view ethics is not at all a passing fashion in business. Because every bussiness runs on the reliability of customers on their product. A businessman can earn profit with unethical rules of their business but only for a short time. In doing so he loss the trust of customers which results in a huge loss to their business. And at last people purchase the product of those companies on which they trust regarding their good services whether it may be some costly to them.

answer 2.

I don't agree that ethics are just the passing business in our business world. In today's world, we still consider those companies and brands who have good business ethics and moral values. For example- reliance India company or aircel have a good name but not trust of the people as they provide very bad networks and services, in order to promote their products they repeatedly go on adertising their products and provide cheap offers so that customers get attracted to them, but mostly it does not happen. Though they have good customer ratings because of poor people who cant afford so much expense in mobiles and all.

On the other hand, people get attracted to those companies like airtel and vodafone have international connections and also have good services and provide best offers to people for people. They are the leading companies in the matter of mobile companies.

answer 3.

  Hello friends i want to initiate the topic "Ethics in Business are just a passing fashion" & of-course i am totally satisfied with the given topic, In this competitive Era every buddy wants to see himself at the top of business world, and for that they can do any things doesn't matter that are Ethicist or not.

group discusion topic !!!!!creative one ~~~>Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

answer 1.

In my point of view this is true. We all have problems in our lives. We should face that with courage. We should remember that if we win, we can lead, but even if we lose we can guide. So both the time there is a positive side of the problems. I want to tell you that no one will manufacture a lock without a key, same way god will never give you a problem without a solution. So there is always a silver lining in the darkest of cloud.

answer 2.

Life is filled with ups and downs. We face problems every now and then. Like they say "Every cloud has a silver lining", every problem that we face provides an opportunity to improve ourselves. If we manage to find the silver lining, we can convert those problems into opportunities for success.

answer 3.

According to swami vivekananda, if you welcome happiness then you should also welcome troubles and miseries as both go hand in hand. He has also said that if you fail thousand times then also don't fall back, try again. Each of us have experienced this fact of life one time or the other. These are the facts that get us moving ahead in life. Basically, difficulties don't come in life to destroy you, they come to make you realize your hidden potentials, so welcome these difficulties and let them know that you are more difficult.

answer 4.

I think we all should have a believe in ourself. There is nothing which does not have a solution. Every difficult situation has a solution but the thing is only to search for that solution and after searching the solution, we definitely get the happiness. Life is all about ups and downs, by taking in mind that yes we can succeed we can come out of the problem. So be optimistic and have faith in you that yes I have the capability to come out with this problem.

answer 5.

I accepted this metaphor " Every cloud has a silver shining", because if we need to achieve the success or goal, we need to cross the failure line. It will teach you a lesson, improve the confidence level and gives happiness in our life. Without crossing the failure line and challenges we can't get kick on that success. It means that though the cloud in darkness is surrounded by silver lining of sun which is behind it, like wise failure gives the success which is behind it. So take the challenges in life.

If you win, you can lead,

If you lose, you can guide,

group discusion topic!!!! Love Marriages Vs Arranged Marriages

Love Marriages Vs Arranged Marriages

answer 1.

As per my view, love marriage is happening in between two hearts and arranged marriage is happening in between two persons.

No need to be worry about the marriage (either love or arranged) , after completion of the marriage, how they managing life is very important.

In love marriage there are no EGO'S. Before marriage only, they share feeling with each other.

And also in love marriage, if any ambiguity problem occurs in between them, they can easily solve with each other and mediator person is not required to solve the problem. In arranged marriage if any controversy situation or any ambiguity problem occurs in between them, mediator (parents) is definitely required to solve the problem.

In arranged marriages, if one person is educated and another person is uneducated, uneducated person don't know, how to behave outside? and outside of the world. Then definitely problem may raises.

answer 2.

I would prefer love marriage then an arranged one because love is a feeling that come from inside when you see someone. And when that sense of feeling turns into a marriage then you also can't imagine how happily the life will go on till the end.

answer 3.

As we know that marriages are made in heaven, but the people think that marriages and also divorce made in heaven, arranged marriage and love marriage whatever it may be they are taking divorce why because there is no understand between the couples.

Before marriage he looks like hero, and she look like heroin but after marriage they are become like villains. Why because they don't know the difference between love and attraction, true love never become misunderstand.

answer 4.

No matter whether it is love or arranged marriage, The main thing is how they will happily live, it is depends upon the person we select, not on the type of marriage. According to me now a days so many marriages were fail, because they chosen the wrong persons, In any way we have to choose right persons and live happily. That is the ultimate thing.

answer 5.

Everything depends upon love the difference between love and arrange is that in arrange marriage couples take long time to understand each other in love they already understood each other so simple anyway have a happy life.

group discusion topics!!!!! terrorism in india

Terrorism in India

answer 1.

Terrorism is one of the problems faced in India next to corruption. India is the second most populous country next to china, but when you compare the security measures implemented in china and India, china is more superior. India is more vulnerable to the acts of terrorism primarily due to lack of stringent security measures, most of the states in India do not have proper security checks in malls, railway station and other areas where the crowd is more. The only security check that is quite stringent is in the airport, 5 star hotels and big shopping malls.

The government of India must create more awareness to the public and also must make sure more polices men are recruited in order to protect the welfare of the society.

There are many people who are unemployed and are willing to contribute to the society so by recruiting more people for policing can improve the security of the country.

The other main problem is in India it is more of reactive approach than proactive or preventive, when a terror strikes all of a sudden there will be rise in security level and it will stay for few days but it needs to be through, because one does not know when it will strike, we need to educate people to be alert and any if any suspicious found need to be informed to the police immediately so that acts of terror can be avoided, so its not only the police but also the entire nation should stay united to eradicate the acts of terror through the form of prevention and education.

answer 2.

Terrorism is one of the issues that should be brought into everyone concern. Reasons for terrorism are many. One of them is poverty. For getting food it is the human nature to do anything. Another one is lack of education due to which people cannot understand which is good and which is wrong. I don't think any religion promote terrorism.

All religions believe in truth. And also our military forces are trying to eradicate this from our nation. Securities, weapons, technology all are getting upgraded every day. Still attacks are happening in our nation. If we read the news about these attacks we can find at least one Indian behind it.

So I think most important measure to eradicate this problem is to reach minds of individuals. It is not an easy task. They should be given proper education and help them tackle poverty by helping them to get their basic needs. Not just government we young people can also contribute to it. We young people are the ones who are going to lead our country. If we raise our fellow people and stand and a wall against this terrorism, it can be easily removed.

answer 3.

Terrorism is very dangerous for us and for our country. We all know that it is present in all over the world. There are many reasons to make a terrorist. Anyone didn't deliberately choose this path. Everyone chooses this path due to lack of money, poverty etc. There are also some antisocial elements in all over the world which spread this. If we talk about our country, there are many organisations like IM, Laskaer-e-taiba etc present in every corner of our country. The main reasons behind him i.e. poverty, unemployment, illiteracy etc. So, government should take strict steps to remove it. They should increase the sources of employment, economic reforms, increasing literacy rate etc. After that, we can decrease in terrorism.

answer 4.

Terrorism is one of the major problem in our country. We should not blame government for this problem because they are not only responsible. Some people brainwash the educated people. They use their brain for negative thoughts like preparing bombs, blasting the bombs etc. The solution to the problem is to destroy the unemployment, if we do it automatically terrorism will be destroyed.

group discusson topics!!!!! Politics is run by the Barrel of Gun

Politics is run by the Barrel of Gun

answer 1.

Nowadays, I think politics with barrel of guns is only seen in the remote area or maoist area and I want to categories it on the basis of area :

In rural area the voters are given money to vote for the party and the poor people in the villages cast their vote by taking money because most of people in the rural area are illiterate.

In urban area the people are aware and intelligent and they know to whom they should vote and they are not distracted by these money bribe and other type of bribe.

In Remote area here votes are taken by the barrel of the guns.

answer 2.

Friends as per my point of view politics is run by barrel of gun because in rural area people are not aware about their rights and power. In rural area votes are purchased by money or forcefully taken by the point of gun. If people aware about their right to vote and if police will give protection then relation between gun and politics can be broken.

answer 3.

Politics is meant for the betterment of the people of the country. If a rule is to passed, all the elected members should discuss about the pros and cons and then jump to any conclusion.

But there are many cases where the results are affected by the barrel of gun, ie gun power. Not only in passing the laws, some politicians use it to save themselves from crimes.

answer 4.

Public keep their eye in every step of politicians. So if they do anything wrong public do not spare them. Similarly for every good deed they are encouraged.